Sunday, December 27, 2009

So Long, Farewell

Today, we bid farewell to our 2009 Primary class at church. We taught the 10 year olds, and could not have asked for a better class. We loved this group and are going to miss them, especially when we move on to a gigantic class in 2010, which we are also excited for. Today was an emotional day and we all cried, even the tough boys. They asked if we could have a week long sleepover party and were wondering if they will ever see us again, even though we will still be going to church together. One of the girls even told me that she thought of me as her mom. A little strange, but still so sweet. We will miss these kiddos.

1 comment:

Karlena said...

I would like to have you and Devin as my SS teachers as well. Sweet to be loved.