As is evidenced in all of these pics, Braden has some pretty cool friends. All thanks to me of course. The awesome thing about my social life right now is Bradens friends. Pretty much every one of my good friends, has a child within 6 or so months of Braden and that makes it really easy for me to get together with my friends. I LOVE IT! That leads me to wonder, when do kids start making their own friends? I mean Braden will be friends with these kiddos forever, unless their parents decide to move, but when will ask me to play with some random kid whose parents I have never met? A few of my Mom friends are even pregnant and will have another round of kids to be Traegans buds. How exciting for me!! Love Bradens friends, Love their Moms even more!! We both have some pretty awesome friends!

Braden, Rozzi, Ryder

Braden 2 yrs 8mo, Tessa 2yrs 11mo, Taylor 5, an exception to the age rule,
but these boys love playing together

Braden and Matthew, yep shirtless in January, Oh California

Braden, Zackary, 4 mo apart