So now that Braden is almost three months old, I feel like I have experienced enough of what its like to be a Mother that I can fully say that I am one. I have been pee'd on, smiled at, cuddled on, thrown up on, been the comforting hug he needed,watched his excited eyes, enjoyed him in his sleep, all of the typical stuff. I never expected what would happen this morning, and I certainly wasnt ready for it, but when stuff like this happens, all you can do is jump and enjoy the ride.
This morning, typical of every morning I was not ready to wake up when Braden was ready for me to be awake. This morning I felt like I had been hit by a train in more ways than one, and just for two seconds wished that my kid would sleep in until 10am this morning, then wished Devin didnt have to go to work today (I almost asked him to work from home just for a couple hours this morning so I could keep sleeping), then wished I had a nanny to take care of my kiddo when I felt like I do today. But of course, I opened my eyes and turned my head over to see Braden kicking his legs and smiling away and remembered how in love with him I am and how dang cute he is, even when I feel like a train wreck.
While he was chowing down, practically choking on his bottle he drinks it so fast, I could tell that he was having a little bit of a situation in his pants, just gas I assumed, because it was silent and scentless. When he was through eating, I quickly took off his diaper to find a surprise inside. I hurried to grab more wipes and started cleanup. As I looked to the side to grab another wipe, once I had moved the diaper away of course to prevent feet and hands in the contamination, I hear the Wells Fargo wagon coming down the track just in time to catch it with the wipe, but it just kept coming. Braden, Braden, Braden, what am I supposed to do, the wipe is fully covered and wont catch any more of the oil spill so I do what any mom would do to protect her bed from a natural disaster. Thats right, it all went right into my hand. That was when I was through with today. I wiped all the hazardous waste off my hand, finished cleaning up his cute little bum, and diapered him as usual, with the most irregular washing of my hands 80 times in steaming hot water.
So today has already ended for me. My to-do list has been dashed in order to take a day for my sanity. Except wait Braden is getting shots today. So how is this day going to end up? I have no idea, but already I have had a bright brown start to what would have been a potentially busy day but has within the first 20 minutes of being awake, become a "ME" day.
And for all Braden knows, his tummy is full, his intestines are empty, his diaper is clean, and his Mommy is smiling at him. All is well in Braden land! I love being a MOM! Oh and in case you were wondering, the sheets remained without a trace.